Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stevie Nicks / Rod Stewart-Rolling Stone article

The February issue of Rolling Stone featured an article on the Stevie Nicks / Rod Stewart "Heart and Soul" tour...Here is the link in for those that haven't read it yet... 

GQ's 25 Sexiest Women in Rock Photos:

The poll that never ends: GQ's 25 Sexiest Women in Rock Photos: Stevie still has a 20% lead over Tina Turner with 51% of the votes going to Stevie...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stevie Nicks/Secret Love/ABC News

Stevie Nicks reveals to ABC news,She wrote Secret Love in 1976 but doesn't remember who it's about...  Stevie also says she enjoys sitting on her pink couch and watching Glee

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stevie Nicks "Secret Love" Single Release

The day has finally arrived...Stevie's new song has officially been released...You can download "Secret Love" from iTunes at ..Or go to And pre-order Stevie's new album "In Your Dreams" due out May,3 and receive a FREE  instant download of "Secret Love"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stevie Nicks: Update/ @wildaboutmusic

Rolling Stone writer David Wild @Wildaboutmusic Has just tweeted in reference to Stevie's forthcoming album "In Your Dreams"...Quote "Annabel Lee" on Stevie Nicks' upcoming CD is one of the best things she's ever done. After Rod, she should tour with Edgar Allan Poe.

Stevie's Letter

Stevie's Letter
"I Do Not Tweet"

The Fake @RealStevieNicks Twitter Account...

Welcome: As many of you know there is a twitter Account bearing Stevie's name...This is personally not Stevie's account:nor does Karen (Her assistant) use it to tweet for her...The twitter was created by Clayton Morris...He claims to have given the account info to someone in Stevie's camp...It appears that the password was stolen or hacked...Roughly 2 years ago someone started tweeting from @realstevienicks 2or 3 tweets the nothing for 1 year...When Stevie started work on her "New" record they started tweeting...first claiming to be Stevie herself then Karen when people started to realise it might not be Stevie...The man co/producing Stevie's record along with Glen Ballard,Dave Stewart has been tweeting little tidbits and a few photo's of the studio sessions with Stevie's approval...Things became quite confusing for a while...Stevie finally resorted to posting a "Hand Written" letter on the "Nicks Fix" quite a bold move considering she doesn't ever do anything with her "Official" website...Stevie's Letter can be viewed here or at the Nicks Fix...The only "Official" tweets from Stevie will be courtesy of @Dave Stewart...So I have created this web-page to help spread the word about this fraud...This Must not continue!!! Please help Stevie,she has done so much for her fans through the years...Now it's our turn to help her...So what can you do to help our beloved "QUEEN OF ROCK"???Go to the @Realstevienicks twitter...Tweet some of the followers...Tell them the truth...Ask them to unfollow @Realstevienicks...Ask them to help Stevie too...With everyone's help we can put a stop to this...Let's help our girl...ThankYou...The NicksianNation ...

Update: In early 2011 An "Official"Stevie Nicks Twitter has been set up @stevienicks ...If you want to follow Stevie please follow @stevienicks and not @Realstevienicks (The Fake Twitter)